Several weeks ago, I celebrated a birthday, turning 34! Even greater, I’m celebrating 6 years of loving what I do! In celebration of my birthday, I thought this was a great time to do a recap of what I have accomplished in the past year from my 40 Before 40 Bucket List 6 years ago […]

40 Before 40 Bucket List Recap

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Behind the Scenes

I wrote this Saturday on my way home from Puerto Vallarta. I hope you’ll oblige me in giving it a read. Good afternoon from somewhere over Mexico, I’ve started my journey home today from Puerto Vallarta a new person. This trip began as a means to see another destination and resorts to share with you, […]

Making a Difference with Travel

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Passport Stories

The year was 2015. The world awaited with open arms, and I longed to help others explore it. Today, 5 years later, though our world looks so much different, some things remain the same—my desire to travel and to help others do the same. As I celebrate 5 years of being in business this week, I […]

Celebrating 5 Years of DWD Travel

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Behind the Scenes

It’s my birthday! But I’m not here to get you to give me all the birthday love. No, I’m here to inspire you with an update from my 40 Before 40 List! I’ve marked off several things in the past year. Here’s an update to get you inspired to get out there and chase those […]

40 Before 40 Update

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Behind the Scenes

The more I travel, the more I learn, the deeper I dig into God’s word, the more my bucket list grows and evolves. Since getting to explore so many incredible places in the past several years, I’ve added even more to my list. Here are the latest additions of places on my bucket list! African […]

Places on My Bucket List

places on my bucket list

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Behind the Scenes

As a kid, I think my interest in travel came from my great uncle and a school project in elementary school.Long before the days of GPS and cell phones, I remember my uncle hopping on his Harley, and hitting the road for Alaska! He sent us postcards, and told tales breaking down on his way back […]

My Passion for Travel & Why I Made It My Life’s Work

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Behind the Scenes

With my current bible study and Easter just wrapping up, I’ve been thinking quite a bit about God’s purpose and calling for us, especially myself. According to 1 Timothy 1:15, God’s purpose for Jesus was to save sinners, “Here is a trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance: Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners—of whom I am […]

God, the World & My Calling

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Behind the Scenes

When I first set out on this venture of being a travel designer, I struggled with what to name my business. I wanted something catchy and unique that would capture the essence of my personality, fun, sophisticated, and down to earth, and what I wanted to provide my clients—an unforgettable vacation planning experience that ultimately […]

How I Named My Business

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Behind the Scenes

Sometimes, I wander off in deep thought, and jot down scribbly notes. One day, from those thoughts & notes came a random list of things I love. In an effort to share more about myself, I thought I would share some of the things from that list. These happen to be travel related, but show […]

I Love…

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Behind the Scenes

Happy August, friends! Last week I began a brand new adventure. I’m officially a full-time work at home mom! I am so thrilled to have the opportunity to devote my life to my two passions—family & travel. When I began the venture of becoming a travel designer, I’d hoped, but never dreamed, that it would […]

How to Love Home

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Behind the Scenes

Hey y’all! I hope you had a great weekend and a good Monday, well as good as a Monday can be. I’m excited and nervous to share today’s post with you. It is chock full of what is on my heart about following your dreams.  This started out being just ramblings on my thoughts and […]

Following Your Dreams

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Behind the Scenes

With the birth of our babies I have been thinking more and more about the value of what I do and why. With new life, there’s no better time to evaluate my why. Why is traveling important to me? Why do I want to help others travel? Why do I want my family to travel? […]

My Why

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Behind the Scenes