Hey y’all! I hope you had a great weekend and a good Monday, well as good as a Monday can be. I’m excited and nervous to share today’s post with you. It is chock full of what is on my heart about following your dreams.

This started out being just ramblings on my thoughts and feelings about the quote below.
“You don’t have to be sure about your dream before you move forward,
you only have to be certain of the one who is whispering to you that it’s
time to come with Him to a new place.
Just take the next step.
And then another.”
I heard/saw this on an Instagram post (or could’ve been an Instastory) from Jess Connolly, and it truly struck me. Sometimes, I forget that our dreams are often whisperings from the Lord on where we should head and what we should do next. This was the perfect reminder. So, if you’ll indulge me, today I’m sharing how I stay on track to following my dreams and making them come true.

Open Your Heart + Mind
Sounds simple enough, but many times we forget to open our hearts and minds to what the Lord is telling us. I believe that many times when a goal and/or dream is placed in our heart, it is God’s way of pushing us to take that leap. Which is why it is important to keep an open mind & heart.
Pray. Pray. Pray. It takes so much faith and courage to go after your dreams, and, through prayer, I’m able to stay strong in faith and courage. Not to say I don’t waver, but prayer helps me greatly.
Take the Leap
Use that courage, and just take the leap! Sometimes that means to do so without thought, as with me when I first jumped on a plane. I thought too much about how hard it would be to make my dreams of traveling come true. One day, I stopped thinking, and started doing! I threw my worries and fear out the window, and took the leap. Sometimes, that’s all it takes, a leap.
One Step at a Time
Make a plan, and take it one step at a time. Often times, I try to take on too much at once, and become overwhelmed. But when I break down my big goals into smaller ones, I’m able to more easily achieve them.
Know You’ll Fail, But Don’t Quit
This is the hardest one. No one wants to fail. But we all do. Everyday. However, we cannot let our failures completely break us. We must get up, and keep going. Accept failures, but do not settle for defeat. Get up, and try again. Find a new way to get there, but don’t give up.

I know these are primitive thoughts in achieving goals, but this core methods really help me to not only stay on track, but to stay grounded as well. Maybe they will help you in inspiring you to achieve your goals as well.