What I Hope to Teach My Children & How Travel Can Help

I’m back again spewing more random thoughts with y’all. I hope you’ll stick around to listen as this is a subject I’m super passionate about!

If you follow me on Instagram, you’ve seen that we are going on a grand new adventure! This time to a destination called parenthood! We are ecstatically awaiting the arrival of our TWINS early next year! We hope to teach our new little loves all sorts of things, especially the joy of travel. However, sometimes life & traveling can be scary, particularly with recent events like the shooting in Las Vegas. You may have seen this post I shared after learning about the horrific events in Vegas. And today I want to expand on that blurb, and share what I hope to teach our new additions and how traveling can help!

One of the most important lessons I hope to teach our babies is to live fully & wholeheartedly even when life is hard and the world is scary. I’ve heard a lot of people say they want to lock their kids away in these recent times. When we lock ourselves away, we are doing the world a disservice. We have to teach them good, and set them out into the world to make it a better place and to find the good that is out there. By pressing through the hard times and bringing out the best in ourselves and the world, we can make it a much better place. On that note, we have to go out and live fully and do good for those who lost the chance far too soon.

Secondly, not to contradict what my dad has always said, but the world is full of such good! I spent my teen and early adult years thinking the world was far to bad to take the risk of exploring it. But once I let go of that fear, I realized that if you set out to find good, you’ll find good! Sadly, the opposite is also true, so for me I choose to look for the good in the world. To build upon that, I do my best to share that good with others. Whether it is highlighting something wonderful I see on social media or volunteering or donating to worth causes, doing and sharing the good are oh so important. I firmly believe that we should use our gifts for the greater good. I share my love & passion for travel to contribute to the greater good of the world. 

I could go on and on about the things I hope to teach our children, but I’ll end with this: Even in the face of danger, we are protected. Deuteronomy 31:6 tells us “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” We must learn to live freely in the Lord, while still staying aware of the evils around us, and I firmly believe that traveling helps teach us that. It has me anyway. I’ve also come to learn that you get the most out of life by actually LIVING IT! Not hunkered down in fear, but by living!

I hope to teach our babies this and more, and I know we can do so largely with the gift of travel. I hope you’ll consider the same, even when the world can be a scary place. Just go out there, and find the good. I have a sneaky suspicion that if you seek you will find.

Dana Lewis, founder of DWD Travel & Destination Weddings, has nearly 10 years experience in travel and destination wedding planning. Dana specializing in crafting all inclusive resort destination weddings and world-wide honeymoons and vacations.

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