Why Couples Should Honeymoon Every Year

​You know that saying, “don’t create a life you need to escape from” or however it goes?
Well, I call bullshit!

Vacations aren’t necessarily about escaping everyday life, but more so about connecting and making memories. Which is why I believe couples should take a “honeymoon” year after year!

At least once a year, my husband and I take a vacation, just the two of us. And I think you should too. 

Often times, it is an inexpensive trip to Las Vegas, and while the destination and travel mate are the same, each trip is a new adventure.

Though our everyday life is a happy life, each trip we come back with a deeper connection, better understanding of each other, and overall happier demeanor.

A Yearly Getaway Can Strengthen Your Marriage

I’m constantly telling my friends that this is what they need in their lives, especially those with little ones! It is hard for me to put into words just how much traveling together has strengthened our relationship, and I genuinely want that for everyone. 
For us it isn’t about escaping home life, it is about improving it, cherishing it even more, and putting each other first. To help give you a bit of understanding on why we put a romantic getaway at the top of our to do list each year, I’ve put together the top reasons we honeymoon every year and why you should too!

Five Reasons Why Couples Should Honeymoon Every Year

Destress & Relax | Let’s just get this out of the way and admit it—life is hard, y’all! Even if you love your job, work is stressful, our kids get the best of us while we get what is leftover of each other, and sometimes it is hard to shut out the noise of the world. Getting away together gives us a chance to destress and relax together. It gives us an opportunity to lay out our stressors on the table and leave them behind. We can shut out the world and just be.

Focus on Us | A vacation, just the two of us, allows us to focus on each other. As I mentioned, and like many other couples, we get what is left of each other at the end of the day. Meaning jobs, kids, house, etc. get the best of us, and we are left with each other’s sloppy seconds. Making a yearly honeymoon a priority, gives us the chance to focus on us and only us.

Team Building | This might sound silly, but this time gives us the opportunity to team build, because at the end of the day the two of us are a team. We talk about the day to day, brainstorm about the future, and head home feeling more and more in sync with our goals as individuals, as a couple, and as a family.

Sex is Better on Vacation | I said it! Sex is good at home, but damn it is HOT on vacation! #sorrygrandma Away from the stressors of everyday life, you can do it whenever, however, wherever you want! I PROMISE you’ll go home feeling way more connected than ever before!

You Deserve It | The two of you manage jobs, a home, maybe kids, bills, and all the joys of everyday life, and that deserves some recognition. Give yourself and your marriage the gift of travel, because you absolutely deserve it with how hard you work every single day. You and your marriage will thank me for it!​I cannot reiterate this enough, it is such a game changer for a relationship to make travel apart of it, and even more so to make it a yearly must. If you’re ready to start making an annual honeymoon a priority in your life, let’s chat! Click here to schedule a consultation call and we can have the two of you on your way to relaxing, reconnecting, and sexing it up on some beautiful beach in the Caribbean!

Dana Lewis, founder of DWD Travel & Destination Weddings, has nearly 10 years experience in travel and destination wedding planning. Dana specializing in crafting all inclusive resort destination weddings and world-wide honeymoons and vacations.

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