Bright and early tomorrow morning, we are headed out on our next big family adventure! This time to an exciting tropical locale. Though this adventure’s packing is quite different from the last (Alaska), our survival tactics for flying with the twins will be the same. To refresh my own memory, and mentally prepare myself for the feat, I jotted down a few tips and tricks for surviving flying with toddlers, and twins no less!
Read on to catch my 10 tips and tricks to flying with toddlers.

Ziplock Bags | One word. Poop. Or even vomit/spit up. Bring a spare set of clothes, for baby/toddler/child and for yourself in ziplock bags. If you need to change the baby’s clothes from a blow out or your own clothes from being spit up on, then you’ll have a bag to seal in the smell. This also works well for dirty diapers on the plane. I always want to be courteous of others, so it’s a nice gesture to slip the dirty diaper into a ziplock bag (and seal) before throwing it in the trash bin. Also, a great idea for your hotel room when you don’t have quick access to an outside trash.
Snacks | Keep ’em coming! Pack lots of snacks for the plane ride. Allow the toddler to snack during take off and descent to assist in ears popping. Not to mention snacks keep kids happy!
Books + Small Toys | Allow your little one to pack their own small bag with a book or two and a small toy to keep them occupied during the flight. Ours especially love books, so these were the perfect way to keep them entertained.
Stroller | Don’t try lugging a toddler along with your suitcase around the airport. Bring a stroller! You will be required to check it at your plane’s gate, but it’s free! Note: you will be asked to remove the child to go through security.
Carseats | Most airlines allow you to check carseats for free. Pop them in a travel bag, and you’re good to go. I’m a fan of this one since it is padded all around. You can even add in addtional items like diapers. Also, if you are headed outside of the U.S. consider their local laws and driving habits. I.E. Caribbean Islands are going to have interstates and high speed highways, and, therefore, don’t likely require carseats. If you’re comfortable with it, consider living the carseats behind.
Wings | Ask your flight attendant for wings for your kiddo. Major airlines give wings and log books for kids to keep track of their flights. The captain will even sign off. Such a fun little keepsake.
Run It Out | Allow your tots to run off some energy in the airport. Once you are all through security, let them walk, push/pull a suitcase, and burn off some energy before your flight. This will come in handy later.
Seat Belts | Starting out flying, when not a lap child, it is a good idea to have your little one go ahead and wear the seat belt. 1) They’ll be required to for take off and landing. Sometimes attendants are lax on this, but it is the general rule. 2) It will make things easier when they are older and learning that it is a must.
No Nap | Whatever you do, hold off on that nap! Plan your flights to when your littles will nap, or be sure to not let them fall asleep just yet. It is pure heaven when they fall asleep in your arms mid-flight. Plus, they’ll be refreshed and ready to hit the ground running once you land.
Be Flexible | Most importantly, be flexible. At the end of the day, toddlers are toddlers. And, as you know, they make their own rules.
Happy flying!