Hi there! I hope you had a wonderful weekend. Ours was full of rain! It rained pretty well non stop Friday through Sunday! Noah’s Arc status happening over here! But thank goodness Mr. Sun has graced us with his presence today, and boosted our spirits after a dreary weather weekend. In the midst of all of the rain, and now sun, and still can’t help but dream about snow! No, we don’t see it much in my neck of Texas, but there is tons of it in New York City! 🙂 So to alleviate my ready-for-winter-blues, I thought we’d get going on sharing bits of mine & my mom’s trip to NYC a couple of Christmases ago. This was both of ours’ first ever plane right, and when the travel bug really bit me hard! I’ve worked doubly hard ever since to make more of my travel dreams come true. So this trip is near & dear to my heart for really starting it all, along with experiencing it with my mom!

I decided to share NYC highlights now, because it is also a popular cruise port for transatlantic cruises. Yep, you can start out cruising from NYC to some far away land in Europe! #hellobigdreams I imagine cruises from New York to Europe to be very posh & old world-esque. I’m probably overthinking on that, but I’m dreaming of beautiful gowns, fabulous hats, fine foods, and fancy dancing. Ha! But you can catch a Carnival ship out of NYC, which would be more real-life, low-key for me. Anyway, let’s hop to New York for a twirl around the greatest city in the world!

Do you recognize this bridge from the movie Elf?

As you can see, there was snow galore! We LOVED it! There was only one time we were terribly cold⌐my fault! Ha! But we still had a blast. The snow flurries were absolutely the icing on the cake to our stay in The Big Apple. I can’t wait to share more details of our trip there with you next month!