Welcome back friends! Hope you had a great weekend. I’m back today to share for another Tip Tuesday. I’ve got a list of my must haves for carrying on while flying. Some are must haves for getting me through a flight. Some are absolute must haves when traveling. Take a look.

- Hat • Even in the winter, I like to carry-on some sort of hat. I use it to cover my face if I want to take a nap or keep the sun out of my face.
- Passport • Of course, my passport and/or ID is a must. It’s also fun to reminisce back on the passport stamps I’ve collected.
- Passport Cover • If you prefer, skip a wallet, and put your essentials like ID, cash, and credit cards, in your passport cover along with your passport.
- iPhone • This is a must for entertainment, photographing the skies above, or even scrapbooking.
- DSLR Camera • I don’t like to pack my camera or laptop (if I take it) in my checked bag, so carrying it on is a must for me.
- Headphones • My headphones are another must for entertainment or blocking out the sounds of others. For comfort, I prefer larger headphones that cover your ears.
- Chapstick • My lips always seem to chap when I travel, so I always make sure I have plenty of Chapstick.
- Gum • To tide me over until my next meal, cure dry mouth, or to freshen my breath, a pack of gum is always in my carry on.
- Journal + Pen • As I’ve talked about before, a travel journal is a must for me. Though I make a lot of notes in my phone, I utilize my time on the plane to transfer those notes over into a notebook.
- Clutch/Large Wallet • To keep all of these smaller essentials in one place and for easily carrying it along with my suitcase, I prefer to have a clutch with a wrist strap.

What do you think of this list? Are there any extras you would add?