Hello again! I’m back for another Tip Tuesday. Although today is more about my personal thoughts than tips, you can take these and run with them as motivation for why you should travel!

I have been thinking about these why travel is a priority for me, and why I want to keep it a priority for our growing family. I could ramble on and on and on why, but I narrowed it down to 5 important reasons. Educate. Experience. Excite. Explore. Enjoy.

As a young adult, I often heard how bad the world was, how bad people are. But once I got out there and experienced it for myself, experienced new cultures, connected with people different than me, and explore unfamiliar places, I realized immediately that this world far more good than bad, and that we are all more alike than we realize! There are so many incredible cultures out there that we can learn from, we shouldn’t shut ourselves off in a box or bubble of comfort. See for yourself just how much good & beauty the world and her people have to offer.

Explore new places. Do you know what the mountains are like? How about the desert? What is the ocean like? Go out there and find out! There are so many beautiful places and terrains to see, go explore them!

There is no better education or opportunity for personal growth than to experience new places and people in the world. Open your heart, mind, and eyes, and you will quickly grow and learn from your new experiences. It can be scary. Learning something new always is. You’ll realize just how independent you can be, just how connected the world and people are, and just how incredibly good and beautiful this great big world is. Put yourself out there, and watch yourself grow!

A very important reason for me, to excite and inspire others to go out and experience the world! It is the #1 reason I got into the travel business. I want people to feel what it is like to experience and appreciate new places.

Lastly, and most importantly, to enjoy life! Life is far too short to spend it dreaming and never doing. Working but never enjoying. Life is meant to be lived, do out and live it! Make memories with your spouse or significant other. Make memories with your children. And make memories for yourself! You can make more money, but you can never add days to your life, so enjoy it!
Like I said, I could go on and on as to why I think travel is so important and choose to make it a priority, but I hope these few reasons can give you an inkling of the passion it brings me. And hopefully spark a fire in you to travel as well. It is something you’ll never regret! Even in tough travel situations, there are always lessons to be learned and good to be found.
Thank you for indulging me today. I truly hope you enjoyed today. See you back tomorrow!