Happy Tuesday y’all! You know what that means, Tip Tuesday! Today’s tips are so super important, and have everything to do with keeping your home safe & secure while you are away traveling. Weather, burglary, fire, and other unfortunate events can occur at anytime, but properly prepping your home before you travel can help prevent these things from happening.

There’s no better way to ruin a vacation than by worrying and wondering how things are back home. Whether you are concerned about belongings, pets, or your home in general, these tips can help put your mind at ease.
My number one worry curer is an alarm system. While home and away, we rest easier knowing that are home is safe and secure. With a burglary, fire, and carbon monoxide alarm system all in one, we know are home is kept safe whether we are home, away traveling, or even just at work. We love that our alarm system does not require power or internet to function, and therefore cannot be shut off by a potential burglar.
Our second big help while traveling is to have a house sitter. We, of course, need dog sitters, so this is just a given. Rather than having someone check in on our dogs, we have someone actually stay at our home, tending the dogs and keeping things secure. We leave instructions for the alarm, emergency numbers, and simple reminders to keep things in order.
If having a house sitter isn’t something you need or want, you can still do things ahead of time to keep things safe.
- Check your doors & windows to make sure they are all locked.
- Make sure your fire alarms have fresh batteries.
- Have someone collect your mail, package & newspaper deliveries.
- In the winter months, cover your pipes & plants to avoid freezing.
The last biggie, if you feel so inclined, is to avoid posting on social media that you are away on vacation. Save your sharing of travel photos for when you return, and enjoy reminiscing on your vacation, knowing your home is safe.

These are simple things you can do to have a worry and stress free vacation and keep your home safe and secure. Do you have any other tips to offer? Be sure to leave them in the comments.
Thank you so much for stopping by today. Check back later this week for details on my visit to the 9/11 Memorial & Museum in New York City.