Swimming with Dolphins & Manatee Interaction in Puerto Aventuras, Mexico

Continuing on from yesterday’s post, we selected Dreams Puerto Aventuras for our mother-daughter getaway, because we were intrigued by the idea of swimming with dolphins. Lucky for us, the resort boasts its only dolphin and manatee program which is offered via Dolphin Discovery, a company that oversees many of the Caribbean’s dolphin interactions.

Swimming with dolphins was something once on my bucket list. In fact, I had it high on my 30 Before 30 list. It wasn’t something I accomplished, and, after some thought, decided not to carry over onto my 40 Before 40 list. After some consideration and research, I wasn’t sure this was something I wanted to do or make a point to do anyhow. However, after my mom mentioned wanting to swim with dolphins on this trip, I decided to indulge her. 

Dolphin Swimming & Manatee Interaction

I was apprehensive at first, but I’m so glad we did it! Our package allowed us time to interact with manatees, feed them, and pet them, as well as swim AND kayak with dolphins!

  • Manatee Feeding
  • Manatee Interaction
  • Dolphin Interaction
  • Dolphin Swim
  • Kayak among Dolphins

It was incredibly apparent right away that these beautiful creatures were so loved and cared for by the biologists/their caretakers. Our guide explained her education and relationship with the animals, one of the older manatees in particular had stolen her heart. Her story naturally made me feel partial to the manatees, animals I’d always felt drawn to. But swimming with dolphins had been a long time dream of mine, and all of my worries of questioning the choice melted away in the moment.

Is swimming with dolphins for you?

  • Think About It
  • Research Facilities
  • Talk to Others

​If swimming with dolphins is on your bucket list, I highly recommend that you give it great thought, and research to determine if it is the right decision for you.

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